BCBS Prefix List 2021 - Alpha. Blue Cross VT handles all care and case management, if/when applicable, for these members with these prefixes*. Independence Blue-Cross of Philadelphia and Southeastern Pennsylvania. December 28, 2022 May 19, 2021 by medicalbillingrcm. BCBS member ID prefix help medical billers, health care providers and patients to identify BCBS healthcare plan. Blue Cross Blue Shield (BCBS) of Texas. We make sure to share latest data but in case you find some misinformation, please let us know so that we can help you to provide most accurate BCBS Alpha Numeric Prefix. CO 19 Denial Code – This is a work-related injury/illness and thus the liability of the Worker’s Compensation Carrier. We make sure to share latest data but in case you find some misinformation, please let us know so that we can help you to provide most accurate BCBS Alpha Prefix data. BCBS Alpha numeric Prefix N2A to N9Z list is updated from authorized and trusted resources and based on the latest information. X2A. If any discrepancy found please let us know via the contact us page, we are committed to providing correct and genuine information. ICD 10. State Lookup. LHP BCBS Prefix. Here we have listed down all the BCBS Prefixes along with BCBS home plan name and website for BCBS member IDs ranging from MAA to MZZ. Three–Character Prefixes. State Lookup. End of dialog window. BCBS Prefix List H2A to H9Z Channagangaiah February 24, 2021 March 4, 2022. BCBS Prefix List 2021 - Alpha. BCBS Prefix List B2A to B9Z; BCBS Prefix List C2A to C9Z; BCBS Prefix List D2A to D9Z; BCBS Prefix List E2A to E9Z; BCBS Prefix List F2A to F9Z; BCBS Prefix List G2A to G9Z; BCBS Prefix List H2A to H9Z; BCBS Prefix List I2A to I9Z; BCBS Prefix List J2A to J9Z; BCBS Prefix List K2A to K9Z; BCBS Prefix List L2A to L9Z;. Here we have listed down all the Blue Cross Blue Shield Prefixes along with BCBS home plan name and website for BCBS member IDs ranging. March 11, 2023 by Kim Keck BCBS member ID prefix help medical billers, health care providers and patients to identify BCBS healthcare plan. November 19, 2022 (institutional claims) More about BCBS ID prefixes In addition to routing claims and electronic inquiries, BCBS member ID prefixes indicate specific network and benefit plan information. July 13, 2023 by NSingh (MBA, RCM Expert) The BCBS alpha prefix GAA-GZZ is valuable for individuals seeking information about Blue Cross Blue Shield (BCBS) insurance plans. A correct member number includes prefix and all subsequent characters, up to 17 positions total. If any discrepancy found please let us know via the contact us page, we are committed to providing correct and genuine information. • Prefix Highlighted in Blue (Premera Blue Cross members) o Western/Eastern WA and AK providers submit to Premera. Illinois. If any discrepancy found please let us. Draw your signature, type it, upload its image, or use your mobile device as a signature pad. A9Z. BCBS member ID prefix help medical billers, health care providers and patients to identify BCBS healthcare plan. Also, you can find BCBS provider phone numbers for each state. BCBS Alpha Numeric Prefix from P2A to P9Z. BCBS Alpha Numeric Prefix – It’s a three letter Alpha numeric prefix followed by id. BCBS prefixes list is combination of 2 type of prefixes as alpha and numeric are used to identify the specific plan you are enrolled in and the geographic region where your plan is based. BCBS Prefix List 2021 - Alpha Numeric State Lookup BCBS Company; M2A-Unallocated/Not Assigned: M2B-Unallocated/Not Assigned: M2C: Illinois: Blue-Cross Blue-Shield of Illinois: M2D: Illinois: Blue-Cross Blue-Shield of Illinois: M2E: Texas:December 28, 2022 April 30, 2021 by medicalbillingrcm. July 26, 2022 by kim keck. BCBS Alpha Prefix List of “P”-series: Blue Cross Blue Shield insurance Companies – Statewise: PAA: Capital Blue Cross of Pennsylvania (PA) PAB: BCBS of Tennessee (TN) PAC: Capital Blue Cross of Pennsylvania (PA) PAD: Anthem BCBS of Georgia (GA) PAE: BCBS of Massachusetts (MA) PAF: Anthem Blue Cross(BC) of California (CA) PAG:. November 19, 2022 (institutional claims) More about BCBS ID prefixes In addition to routing claims and electronic inquiries, BCBS member ID prefixes indicate specific network and benefit plan information. Here we have listed down all the BCBS Prefixes along with BCBS home plan name and website for BCBS member IDs ranging from WAA to. Here I have shared the list of BCBS alpha prefix ranging from AAA to AZZ. BCBS Company. Read more. Select the Get Form button to start modifying. We recently worked on a project that required us to identify the home plan for any Blue Cross and/or Blue Shield member across the nation (including Puerto Rico). A Blue Cross. BCBS Prefix List; Denial Codes. Bcbs Alpha Prefix List 2022. Under the Communications heading, select Contact Us . Not assigned Prefix. Here I have shared the list of BCBS alpha prefix ranging from DAA to DZZ. VAA. prefix typically includes the first three characters of the member ID and indicates specific eligibility and benefit information. 01/01/2023: All accounts using this prefix were updated. A2B. We make sure to share latest data but in case you find some misinformation, please let us know so that we can help you to provide most accurate BCBS Alpha Numeric Prefix. Healthcare providers also use them to verify your eligibility for services and submit payment claims. BCBS Prefix List 2021 - Alpha. BCBS Plan Name. New York. BCBS member ID prefix help medical billers, health care providers and patients to identify BCBS healthcare plan. Anthem BCBS of Wisconsin (WI) ZCA. September 30, 2022 by Rebecca Williams. BCBS Alpha Prefix from VAA to VZZ (Updated 2023) March 11, 2023 by Kim Keck. State Lookup. Independence Blue Cross (BC) of Philadelphia (Phi) and the Southeastern Pennsylvania (PA) RAB. . Ohio. CO 15 Denial Code – The authorization number is missing, invalid, or does not apply to the billed services or provider. ZAB. BCBS Prefix List Z2A to Z9Z; Uncategorized. Blue Cross of Massachusetts. Note: The XBU prefix is no longer in use (expired 01/01/2020). Here I have shared the list of BCBS alpha prefix ranging from PAA to PZZ. I Don’t Have My Member ID Card. BCBS member ID prefix help medical billers, health care providers and patients to identify BCBS healthcare plan. L2A. Channagangaiah February 24, 2021 March 4, 2022. October 1, 2022 by Rebecca Williams. txt) or read online for free. S2B. We make sure to share latest data but in case you find some misinformation, please let us know so that we can help you to provide most accurate BCBS Alpha Prefix data. We make sure to share latest data but in case you find some misinformation, please let us know so that we can help you to provide most accurate Blue Cross Blue Shield Alpha Prefix. BCBS Company. Here I have shared the list of BCBS alpha numeric prefix ranging from S2A to S9Z. (Note: Federal Employee Program ® (FEP ®)BCBS Prefix List; Denial Codes. December 28, 2022 May 23, 2021 by medicalbillingrcm. For more information, contact your Network Provider Consultant or call 406-437-6100. BCBS of Illinois. 2022 Member ID Prefixes . CO 9 and CO 10 Denial Code. LAB. WAB. BCBS member ID prefix help medical billers, health care providers and patients to identify BCBS healthcare plan. Empire Blue-Cross Blue-Shield of New York. There are total of 676 alpha prefix in BCBS VAA-VZZ list and 54 are Not Assigned prefixes out of 676. BCBS Prefix List 2021 - Alpha State Lookup BCBS Company; SAA: South Dakota/Iowa: Wellmark Blue-Cross Blue-Shield: SAB: Ohio: Anthem Blue-Cross Blue-Shield of Ohio: SAC:Blue Cross Blue Shield Federal Phone Number. WAA. September 30, 2022 by Rebecca Williams. Blue Cross Blue Shield Provider Phone Number. D2A. Updated Prefix Refence List and Networks at a Glance documents now available Page 1 of 1. Each BCBS Alpha Prefix resembles a particular Blue Cross Blue Shield company or an organization, letting healthcare providers and managers quickly identify the member’s insurer. BCBS Alpha Prefix XAA-XZZ (2023) October 14, 2020 by medicalbillingrcm. BCBS Prefix List B2A to B9Z Channagangaiah February 24, 2021 March 4, 2022. We make sure to share latest data but in case you find some misinformation, please let us know so that we can help you to provide most accurate BCBS Alpha Numeric Prefix. Florida. Tennessee. Pennsylvania. State Lookup. 2022 Member ID Prefixes . List. Insurance company name. BCBS Prefix List 2021 - Alpha Numeric State Lookup BCBS Company; O2A: California: Anthem Blue-Cross: O2B-Channagangaiah February 24, 2021 March 4, 2022. BCBS Alpha numeric Prefix P2A to P9Z list is updated from authorized and trusted resources and based on the latest information. BCBS Prefix List 2021 - Alpha State Lookup BCBS Company; UAA: Michigan: Blue-Cross Blue-Shield of Michigan: UAB: Kansas City: Blue-Cross Blue-Shield of Kansas City: UAC: Michigan: Blue-Cross Blue-Shield of Michigan: UAD-Channagangaiah February 24, 2021 March 4, 2022. CO 7 Denial Code – The Procedure/revenue code is inconsistent with the patient’s gender. Independence Blue-Cross of Philadelphia and Southeastern Pennsylvania. List of BCBS. Not assigned prefix. XML Blue Cross of Idaho - Flexiblue POS XMX Dual Eligible - DSNP 6/1/2014 POS ZLT Medicaid Plus 8/1/2018 POS XMA Secure Blue PPO XMM True Blue POS. BCBS Alpha numeric Prefix T2A to T9Z list is updated from authorized and trusted resources and based on the latest information. In addition to the Highmark Blue Cross Blue Shield logo on the ID card, there will be a new alpha prefix in front of the ID number. State Lookup. December 17, 2022 at 12:16 am. The home plan can be identified by the [typically] 3 character alpha prefix on the patient's insurance card. Information current and approximate as of December 31, 2018. A2C. D2B. The Networks at a Glance document assists providers in finding moreDecember 25, 2022 November 3, 2020 by medicalbillingrcm. BCBS Prefix List 2021 - Alpha. Channagangaiah February 24, 2021 March 4, 2022. BCBS member ID prefix help medical billers, health care providers and patients to identify BCBS healthcare plan. Here we have listed down all the BCBS Prefix along with BCBS home plan name and website for BCBS member IDs ranging from Y2A to Y9Z. BCBS FEP Prefix – BCBS Federal Employee Program is identify by the letter “R” tracked by the number. BCBS Prefix AAA Home Plan and Phone Number; BCBS Alpha Numeric Prefix from Y2A to Y9Z; BCBS Alpha Numeric Prefix from X2A to X9Z; BCBS Alpha Numeric Prefix from. BCBS alpha prefix FAA-FZZ list, total 600 prefixes. Here I have shared the list of BCBS alpha prefix ranging from TAA to TZZ. BCBS Prefix List Q2A to Q9Z; BCBS Prefix List R2A to R9Z; BCBS Prefix List S2A to S9Z; BCBS Prefix List T2A to T9Z; BCBS Prefix List U2A to U9Z; BCBS Prefix List V2A to V9Z; BCBS Prefix List W2A to W9Z; BCBS Prefix List X2A to X9Z; BCBS Prefix List Y2A to Y9Z; BCBS Prefix List Z2A to Z9ZSeptember 30, 2022 by Rebecca Williams. BCBS Company. Its often confused that BCBS have lot of prefixes and where to contact. blue cross blue shield of arizona launches new subsidiary: prosano health solutions. Wellmark. BCBS member ID prefix help medical billers, health care providers and patients to identify BCBS healthcare plan. A Blue Cross ® Blue Shield ® prefix typically includes the first three characters of the member ID and indicates specific eligibility and benefit information. pcmh program delivers healthier patients and happier providers. BCBS Prefix List 2021 - Alpha State Lookup BCBS Company; MAA: South Dakota/Iowa: Wellmark Blue-Cross Blue-Shield: MAB: Florida: Florida-Blue: MAC: Maryland/District of Columbia/Northern Virginia: Carefirst Blue-Cross Blue-Shield: MAD: Alaska:BCBS Prefix List; Denial Codes. Here I have shared the list of BCBS alpha prefix ranging from WAA to WZZ. Blue Cross Blue Shield Federal Phone Number. MAC. September 30, 2022 by Rebecca Williams. California. The MAA-MZZ range refers to alpha prefixes. B2C. Here we have listed down all the Blue Cross Blue Shield Prefix along with BCBS home plan name and website for BCBS member IDs ranging. E2A. S2A. CO 17 Denial Code – Requested information was not provided or. Also, you can find BCBS provider phone numbers for each state. U2A. 8/1/2012 PPO. The three-character prefix identifies the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Plan to which the member belongs. T2A. BlueCard. We make sure to share latest data but in case you find some misinformation, please let us know so that we can help you to provide most accurate BCBS Alpha Numeric Prefix. RAA. We make sure to share latest data but in case you find some misinformation, please let us know so that we can help you to provide most accurate Alpha Prefix for BCBS data. BCBS Alpha Numeric Prefix: BCBS Plan Name: V2A: BCBS of North Carolina: V2B: Regence BCBS: V2C: BCBS of Rhode Island: V2D:. March 11, 2023 March 3, 2022 by Kim Keck. January 14, 2023 October 1, 2022 by Rebecca Williams. BCBS Prefix List H2A to H9Z; BCBS Prefix List I2A to I9Z; BCBS Prefix List J2A to J9Z; BCBS Prefix List K2A to K9Z; BCBS Prefix List L2A to L9Z; BCBS Prefix List M2A to M9Z; BCBS Prefix List N2A to N9Z; BCBS Prefix List O2A to O9Z; BCBS Prefix List P2A to P9Z; BCBS Prefix List Q2A to Q9Z; BCBS Prefix List R2A to. BCBS Plan Name. Denials with solutions in Medical Billing;. BCBS Alpha Prefix List from SAA to SZZ Updated 2021-List of Blue Cross Blue Shield insurance Companies – Statewise with prefix. Highmark BCBS of Delaware. The Prefix Reference List assists providers in identifying member plans, plan types, Provider Service numbers, and mailing addresses. BCBS Alpha numeric Prefix R2A to R9Z list is updated from authorized and trusted resources and based on the latest information. Featured In: September 2022 Anthem Provider News - Nevada Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield is the trade name of: In. 02. read more . There are total of 641 alpha prefix in BCBS UAA-UZZ list and 154 are Not Assigned prefixes out of 641. BCBS Prefix List; Denial Codes. July 16, 2023 by NSingh (MBA, RCM Expert) The BCBS alpha prefix list consists of three-letter codes used by Blue Cross Blue Shield (BCBS) to classify different plans and networks. We make sure to share latest data but in case you find some misinformation, please let us know so that. BCBS Blue Care Network Michigan (MI) BCBS Alpha Prefix List from PAA to PZZ Updated 2023. A9X. Use find (Ctrl + F) and enter the prefix to find the BCBS state. BCBS of Texas. BCBS Company. Here I have shared the list of BCBS alpha numeric prefix ranging from H2A to H9Z. Here I have shared the list of BCBS alpha numeric prefix ranging from P2A to P9Z. M+. BCBS of Western New York. $ 382. Blue Cross Blue Shield Provider Phone Number Blue Cross Blue Shield Federal Phone Number.